
Taking up 4.4 square miles of prime real estate in Northern Virginia, the Town of Vienna has a lot going on these days. What was known as a quaint town with a main street filled with restaurants and retail with residences that are some of the most sought-after in the suburbs, there are more retail and residential units headed into this already dense area.

By Lynn Norusis


Bear Branch Tavern was approved in February for a restaurant and outdoor seating space in the front of the existing building and approved for live entertainment.


Mashie Drive subdivision is turning four existing lots into six single-family homes along Mashie Drive SE and Maple Avenue. And Malcom Road subdivision is redeveloping two single-family home lots into three single-family home spaces. Glyndon Street is also taking an existing single-family lot and dividing it into two. 

Wawa is moving into the downtown along Maple Avenue by replacing an old office space into a 7,225 square-foot store. 

Vienna Market (pictured above) is moving into Phase Two. Phase One, which was approved in May 2018, is for a four-story mixed use space with six condo townhomes above 8,200 square-feet of retail, 38 standalone townhomes and three- to four-story condo townhomes. Phase Two is for the review of the final site plans to include architectural standard compliance and building permits to be conducted by the Architectural Review Board. 


444 Maple was approved in October of 2018 and will turn a space that was zoned for commercial and 16 single-family homes into a four-story mixed-use building with 151 multi-family units on three floors above a 20,000 square-foot ground floor commercial space.

Kingsley Myers subdivision was approved to turn two lots for single-family homes into three single-family home lots.

Sunrise of Vienna, the assisted living facility, is bringing 85 units and 950 square feet of first-floor retail to Maple Avenue West. 


A Town of Vienna Police Department Facility proposal went before the board in February that proposes a two-story  building with 28,000 square feet of floor area and 1,500 assembly space at 215 Center St. S and 114 Locust St. SW. The town council has adopted, in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, to designate the space as governmental land use.

Mill Street Self-Storage is proposing to build a four-story self-storage facility that would take the place of existing industrial space. 

The town is also in the process of conducting a Multimodal Transportation and Land Use Study. More information can be found here.