The FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate team brings you a 5-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom single-family home in the Fair Lakes area of Fairfax, VA. Explore what down payments and monthly payments look like for this type of property in this location.
$770,000 Property Specs
Single-family | Buckner Forest, Fairfax VA
$50 HOA annual fee
5 Bedroom
4.5 Bathroom
Total Square Footage: 3,837 sq. ft.
Estimated Monthly Mortgage
Assuming 3.375% Interest Rate on 30-year fixed mortgage utilizing the Day 1 Mortgage PITI calculator
20% Down Payment: $154,000
Taxes: $7,758.92 annually
Insurance: $1,200 (est.)
$3,470 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)
10% Down Payment: $77,000
Taxes: $7,758.92 annually
Insurance: $1,200 (est.)
$4,261 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)
5% Down Payment: $38,500
Taxes: $7,758.92 annually
Insurance: $1,200 (est.)
$4,683 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)
3% Down Payment: $23,100
Taxes: $7,758.92 annually
Insurance: $1,200 (est.)
$4,952 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)
If you have any questions about Northern Virginia real estate, reach out as we are happy to help.