There is never a day a Northern Virginia commuter sets out on their journey and they do not come across some type of transportation project that is under construction. And while the interim passageways can cause a big headache for our commutes, the theory is that eventually all will be better in the long run.
With the months of summer travel upon us, let’s take a look at the projects you may be encountering on your journeys, and what the roadways are planned to look like in the future.
By Lynn Norusis
There are two main documents the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority use to guide them on the future of how Northern Virginians move throughout the area, the NVTA’s six-year plan (adopted July 2022) and the TransAction plan, (adopted December 2022) which is supposed to guide the region’s transportation project priorities through 2045.
Last July the NVTA adopted the latest six-year plan that will fund $624 million of projects. The newly adopted Six Year Program will impact the region through:
- A Multimodal/Corridor Focus, including a continued emphasis on roadway/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the Route 1 corridor and a continued emphasis on the Fairfax County Parkway corridor;
- Transportation Technology, including a continued commitment to decarbonization of transit fleets and Intelligent Transportation Systems deployment in the Route 7 corridor (first NVTA-funded technology project outside of Arlington and Alexandria); and
- Geographical and Modal Balance, which includes projects for all primary modes requested and all transit, bike/pedestrian, and transportation technology projects recommended for full funding, with most roadway projects having a pedestrian/bicyclist component attached and many projects having more than one modal component.
Note: Approved projects with amounts in red are partial funding only.
Abbreviations Key: PE: Preliminary Engineering, ROW: Right of Way, CN: Construction, Asset Acq: Asset Acquisition (i.e., bus purchase)
* = Previously funded project or closely related to a previously funded project
The TransAction plan, which was adopted in December 2022 and is updated every 5 years, has 424 candidate regional projects and programs identified that would cost an estimated $75 billion if implemented. According to NVTA, by 2045 the population of Northern Virginia is projected to grow by 23% to 3.14 million, and employment by 33% to 1.94 million.
Current On-Going Projects
2023 Northern Virginia Paving Program
Interactive map and information on roads scheduled for resurfacing
Backlick Road and Leesville Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Traffic signal upgrades, new Accessible Pedestrian Signal crossings, curb ramp upgrades and flashing yellow arrows
Boundary Channel Drive at I-395 Interchange Improvements in Arlington County
New bicycle and pedestrian connection from the Mount Vernon Trail to Long Bridge Park
Burke Lake Road and Shiplett Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
New flashing yellow arrows and signalized crosswalks, and curb ramp upgrades
Columbia Pike and John Marr Drive Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Upgrades including a new crosswalk across Columbia Pike and accessible pedestrian signals
Columbia Pike and Lacy Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Upgrades including accessible pedestrian signals and flashing yellow arrows
Duke Street over I-395 Bridge Rehabilitation in the City of Alexandria
New westbound shared-use path and wider eastbound sidewalk
Franconia Road and Rose Hill Drive Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
New flashing yellow arrow and signalized crosswalk, and pedestrian signal and curb ramp upgrades
Hunter Mill Road over Colvin Run Bridge Replacement in Fairfax County
New two-lane bridge with median/splitter island.
I-395/Route 1 Southbound Exit 8C Bridge Repairs in Arlington County
Bridge carries southbound Route 1 over the 395 Express Lanes, the northbound I-395 general purpose lanes and northbound Route 110
I-66 at Route 28 in Fairfax County
Improvements to Route 28/I-66 interchange and Route 28 corridor as part of the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Improvements
I-66 Rosslyn Tunnel Rehabilitation in Arlington County
Improvements including upgrading electrical systems and replacing the tunnel lighting system
I-66 Vienna Metro Access Ramp in Fairfax County
Improving access to the Vienna Metro station as part of the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Improvements
I-95 over Powells Creek Bridge Rehabilitation in Prince William County
Around mile marker 155 between the Dale City Truck-Only Safety Rest Areas and Cardinal Drive
I-95 Southbound Auxiliary Lane in Prince William County
Route 123 to Prince William Parkway
Piggott Bottom Road over Branch of South Fork Catoctin Creek Bridge Replacement in Loudoun County
New bridge open to traffic
Route 29 Northbound Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Fairfax County
Vaden Drive to Nutley Street
Route 29 Widening in Fairfax County
Union Mill Road to Buckleys Gate Drive
Route 50 and Waples Mill Road Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Adding a second left turn lane from westbound Route 50 to Waples Mill Road
Route 7 Corridor Improvements in Fairfax County
Widening and other enhancements from Reston Avenue to Jarrett Valley Drive
Route 7/George Washington Boulevard Overpass in Loudoun County
Extending George Washington Boulevard and constructing a new bridge over Route 7
South Oak Street over Tripps Run Bridge Replacement in the City of Falls Church
Bridge closed until late 2023
Spring Street Widening in the Town of Herndon
Road and pedestrian improvements from just west of Herndon Parkway to Fairfax County Parkway
For more information on development happening around Northern Virginia, check out our development updates page. We focus on a different area in Northern Virginia each month.
If you have any questions about Northern Virginia real estate, reach out as we are happy to help.