
The FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate team goes through what your monthly costs would look like on a $415,000 mortgage.


$415,000 Property Specs

Duplex | Wakefield, Alexandria
Built 1954 | No HOA
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Total Square Footage: 864, plus basement
0.08 acre

Estimated Monthly Mortgage

Assuming 4% Interest Rate on 30-year fixed mortgage utilizing the Freedom Mortgage Mortgage PITI calculator

20% Down Payment: $83,000
Taxes: $4,123 annually
Insurance: $800 (est.)
$1,995 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)

10% Down Payment: $41,500
Taxes: $4,123 annually
Insurance: $800 (est.))
$2,436 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)

5% Down Payment: $20,750
Taxes: $4,123 annually
Insurance: $800 (est.)
$2,671 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)

3% Down Payment: $12,450
Taxes: $4,123 annually
Insurance: $800 (est.)
$2,819 monthly Principle Interest Taxes and Insurance (PITI)

If you have any questions about Northern Virginia Real Estate, contact us today!