
The wants and the needs of what is in a home you are about to purchase it is a huge undertaking to determine but it is so important to do so especially prior to going out looking.

You want to determine your wants and needs lists prior to going out and actually searching for homes so you have a good standard base of the must-have checklist.

It is also good to realize that not every home is going to have everything you want. Even if you even build your own home you’re not going to get everything you want. Compromise is going to be needed.

When you’re going out and looking for homes you need to make sure that a home is going to give you the possibility of what your needs are. For example, if you need three bedrooms you need to make sure that it has at least three bedrooms or if it doesn’t is there a possibility of making a third bedroom. If you need a certain amount of square footage is there the possibility where you found a home that you absolutely love but it doesn’t have as much space as you want do you have the possibility of adding on to the home?

It is huge to keep all of these front and center of your mind when you are looking because you can go down the rabbit hole of what one home has and what it doesn’t. It makes a huge impact to make sure that you are looking and critically understanding what the potential of a home has. There are certain items where, due to structural issues, you will not be able to add on something that you would want or maybe even something you need. At that point, you may have to away from a home.

Make sure that you’re taking that keen eye and asking the right questions to find out if you can take a home and make it into your dream home.

If you have any questions about Northern Virginia real estate, reach out as we are happy to help.