
The FOCUS on NoVA Team explores the difference between Buyer and Seller real estate markets and the impact to your strategies for buying and selling property.

  • Buyer Market
  • Seller Market
  • Northern Virginia 5-year data and implications

A buyer’s market versus a seller’s market boils down to simple economics. In a buyer’s market the inventory far exceeds that of the buyer demand therefore prices start to go down and buyers get a deal. In a Seller’s market it is the opposite. Inventory is low, buyers compete for the same properties, and prices are driven upwards.

To illustrate this in Fairfax County, in 2014 May the inventory to sell out time would take 3.74 months. Fast-forward to May of 2019 the inventory supply had dropped to 1.89 months, which represents extreme inventory shortage and explains why our region saw increases in prices.

There are several strategies that go go into how to price your property when you are a seller and how to structure an offer as a purchaser. The FOCUS on NoVA Team has placed hundreds of buyers into properties over the last five years and we sold hundreds of properties for the highest possible price.

So how does this impact you? Contact us today and we’ll walk you through the process.