
Welcome to the 1st Annual FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate Spring Diorama Contest!

The Entries Gallery: VOTE, VOTE, VOTE
You can click on the pictures to enlarge them and see the incredible details. Thank you to all of our clients who worked so hard on their submissions, your creativity is boundless. The voting button is below.

And the Winner is……

Thank you to all of our entries! You were spectacular.

How this worked…

  • Three rounds of voting through Facebook, Instagram and FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate will bring us to our Champion and $100 winner on March 31, 2021 at 5 PM.
    That’s right, start sharing on social media to get your favorite to the Championship.

    • Round 1: Elite 8 (well 9 actually) Finalists announced March 22. Voting begins for Final Four
    • Round 2: Final Four Finalists announced March 27, 5 PM. Voting begins for the Semi-Finalists.
    • Round 3: Finals announced March 29, 5 PM:. Voting begins for the Championship.
    • March 31, 5 PM: The 1st Annual FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate Team Spring Diorama Champion is announced and awarded $100!

Here’s how the contest was set up.

  • Each participant received a photo box filled with materials: construction paper, popsicle sticks, modeling moss, greenery, bunny eraser, Crayola modeling clay, a hopping frog, and, of course, a FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate sign post. At least three items must be used, and one of them must be the FOCUS on NoVA Real Estate sign post. (Items may be modified to fit scene.)
  • Be creative and complete your diorama. Submit a picture to Ingrid, Lynn, Sharon, or Tracey no later than 11:59 PM Sunday, March 21 (Selection Sunday) to qualify for entry into the contest.
  • Monday, March 22: All entries will be DE-IDENTIFIED and posted on FOCUSonNoVA.com, our Instagram and Facebook pages with a link for the general public to vote. (So start sharing and get out the vote!)